Life Skills
Subject Lead: Miss Millington
The teaching of Life Skills at West Kirby School fits in with our rationale and aims for our whole school curriculum. They include ensuring that the curriculum has the needs of the pupils at the heart of everything we do.
It is based on a strong foundation of oracy
Meets the needs of our local community
Is full of exciting, enriching and enjoyable learning experiences
Provides opportunities for pupils, staff and parents to all learn together
Positively improves academic outcomes
Prepares our pupils to become positive role models in and effective contributors to Society
Gives our pupils the chance to become the very best versions of themselves.
Key Stage 1, 2, 3 & 4
At Key Stages 1 and 2, life Skills is discretely taught during form time, across the curriculum and Friday well-being. Skills we develop include:
- Providing opportunities for the pupils to discuss, exchange and share ideas, experiences, facts and opinion on given topics.
- Allowing the pupils to share their opinions and views through debates in order to develop effective communication skills.
- Using role play to explore real life situations and unfamiliar concepts and develop the skills of negotiation, assertiveness, communication and self-awareness.
- Using storytelling to tell narratives with specific themes such as assertiveness, negotiations, and decision making. Using them to help identify choices they make on a day to day basis and the consequences of making decisions.
- Asking probing questions and posing problems which allow the children to brainstorm as a way of expressing their ideas with others, teaching children to value, respect and accept others contributions.
- Playing games and planning activities to interest and excite the children and teach them how to clarify difficult issues, discuss sensitive issues, enhance communication skills and learn and practice new life skills.
Key Stage 5
At Key Stage 5, pupils who complete the ASDAN Personal Development qualification can progress to ASDAN Award of Personal Effectiveness
This programme allows the student to develop and recognise a range of skills that will be invaluable when they start work and begin living independent lives. Students will work through a student book that comprises of 10 modules.
- Introduction with working others
- Dealing with problem with daily life
- Planning and reviewing learning
- Planning and carrying out research
- Preparing for and giving a presentation
- Developing self
- Team working
- Research skills
- Tackling problems
- Career exploration
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