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Whole school curriculum

West Kirby School curriculum

West Kirby School and College offers an innovative curriculum developed with the aspirations and interests of the student at the centre. At West Kirby School and College, all pupils follow the 2014 National Curriculum including our personalised PSHE provision. We have ambitious qualification opportunities to suit a range of learning abilities; from the English Baccalaureate (EBacc), A/AS Level, GCSE, BTEC, Cambridge Nationals to Entry Level Certificate.

This is supported by our wider Support Services Team who provide a wide range of support who enable our pupils to access a broad, balanced curriculum. 

What subjects are part of our curriculum?

To find out more about our subjects offered across our school curriculum, from Key Stage One to Post 16, visit our Subject Information pages in this section. 



Our curriculum across the school

Our curriculum aims are:

  • To ensure all our children are at the centre of a broad, varied and interesting learning experience that is enjoyable and relevant for the future
  • For all pupils to gain 5 GCSE or equivalent by year 11
  • Our creative curriculum aims to create a sense of awe and wonder and helps to inspire a lifelong love of learning
  • The holistic nature of our practice promotes positive mental health and well-being and enhances our children’s life skills, social skills and cultural awareness
  • Relationships are developed between children and adults that are positive, consistent and secure
  • Provide an environment which meets the needs of all children
  • Meet sensory needs
  • Develop self-awareness and self-control
  • Develop resilience and motivation for learning
  • Support children in responding to change
  • Recognise and support anxiety in children
  • Celebrate success in all its forms


Consistent approach for Residential pupils

For residential young people the Care staff follow the guidance from school staff to ensure that they are able to support each pupils learning needs. The learning resources used within school are also available on the Residential groups thus ensuring a consistent approach to supporting the development, in all areas, of resident pupils.


Our curriculum rationale

At West Kirby School and College, we believe that children are entitled to a curriculum that raises the aspirations of every child and gives them the confidence to fulfil their potential through positive learning experiences.  West Kirby School and College is a school for pupils with complex learning needs including Autism and ADHD. This impacts on individual development and, to differing extents, shapes the nature of the child’s learning experience.

Education for children at West Kirby and College should reflect the unique presentation of each individual, for example meeting sensory needs, providing for social and communication difference or challenging areas of strength. Core aims of the curriculum at West Kirby School and College are to support the child in developing independence, to encourage a positive sense of self and to promote a positive attitude to learning.

Pupils at West Kirby School and College require a support network that is cohesive. We believe it is imperative to work in close partnership with parents, carers and families, to facilitate the sharing of good practice and success across all environments. Drawing on the expertise our school provides including: Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Clinical Psychologist and Pastoral Care Team ensures we have a dynamic and holistic approach to every child.


West Kirby School and College, Meols Drive, West Kirby, Wirral, CH48 5DH

0151 632 3201