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Community SEND Training

Welcome to our Community SEND Training 

Our SEND training is aimed at local schools, professionals and community groups, to help support our children and young people with SEND, delivered by specialist school staff members and Clinical Psychologist.


SENsitive classrooms webinar series


Our SENsitive Classrooms webinar series is aimed at reaching ECT's, school staff and community professionals supporting children with SEND.

Led by SEN specialist school practitioners, this series of webinars aims to give school staff and other professionals a better understanding of the children they work with and provide strategies to help and support in the classroom and beyond. They will use a blend of theory, personal experience and practical strategies with the opportunity to ask question. 

All webinars are free to attend. Attendees can join live or watch a recording.


Face to Face SEN Training - for Early Careers Teachers, school staff and professionals 

These sessions focus on an insight and understanding of the topic area, with some supportive strategies. Delivered by Dr Ze'ev Levita, Clinical Psychologist. Refreshments provided. All training is free.


More information about our Community training 

Community training Leads: Sarah Wilkinson, Deputy Head and Rachel Kelleher, Communications 


Here's what local schools and community groups said about our training:

“The courses are invaluable as they have allowed me to cascade the information back to  colleagues.” 

“Personally, my practice has changed as a result of the training” 

“I appreciate the wide range of courses available”

“Thank you so much for such an amazing opportunity”

"Thank you, very thought provoking"

"Very informative, useful scenarios and interesting theories linked to Autism"

"Very helpful learning - thankyou"

"Thank you, extremely helpful"

"More please!"

"Our staff have used many aspects of the training to apply approaches to a number of our pupils. Thank you"

"Fantastic course and teacher :) "

West Kirby School and College, Meols Drive, West Kirby, Wirral, CH48 5DH

0151 632 3201