Pathfinders class

Miss Russell
Welcome to Pathfinders
The Pathfinders staff team support our youngest pupils. They are Teacher - Miss Russell, HLTA - Mrs Hessey and Teaching Assistant Miss Jones. Mrs Eccles and Mr Quayle also teach in Pathfinders.
We are a Primary aged class at West Kirby School, a very creative, happy and enthusiastic class. We really enjoy designing and making and expressing ourselves through role play.
Our key skills to learn as Pathfinder are to be:
- Innovative
- Decisive
- Creative
- Independent
All our staff listen to us and enjoy finding out what we are interested in. Then they plan lots of exciting experiences and activities for us based on the things that we like.
We are learning to be innovative, decisive, creative and independent. We are keen to ask for things that we need help with, but we're encouraged to give new challenges a try. We are forming good relationships with others and are learning our school rules. We are trying our best to listen really well. PSHE is taught in a cross curricular way in our Learning means the world' curriculum.
We are creative and inquisitive learners - we are starting our journey through school with a smile.
Each half-term the Primary class has homework which is sent home, linked to learning from the Pathfinders class. We also have books available online for parents and pupils to read at home. See link below as an example.
Reading and Phonics
At West Kirby School we are committed to providing synthetic phonics based on the ‘Read, Write, Inc’ programme as recommended by the Department of Education. This ensures all of our children have the best opportunities provided in order for them to become competent and confident readers and writers as well as allowing children’s listening and speaking skills to develop. We successfully deliver a teaching programme that secures skills of decoding and word recognition enabling children at our school to read fluently with great enjoyment and pride.
Our high quality, daily phonics teaching is combined with a whole language approach and promotes the strong emphasis we place on building our ‘Reading for Pleasure’ culture.
Our free readers read books from the school reading schemes, including Oxford Reading Tree and choose books from our library.
At West Kirby School we are well resourced in enabling learning inside and outside the classroom. Our intent is for children to develop the fluency, knowledge and understanding to use mathematics as a tool for everyday life. Practical experiences and a growth mindset will ensure a solid understanding is gained which will foster a life-long love of maths. As a school we believe that all students can succeed in Mathematics.
In ICT we follow the Hi-Impact programme, which pupils use to develop their computing skills and knowledge.
RE and PE
For RE and PE we use the Wirral Agreed Syllabus which is part of our weekly timetable.
Modern Foreign language (MFL) - Mandarin Chinese
In Mandarin children enjoy learning the Chinese language and culture. They play games, sing songs and take part in role play.
"Learning means the world' curriculum
Our new "learning means the world' theme based curriculum is innovative, forward-thinking and highly relevant to our pupils' needs and thoroughly engages them as they tackle challenging topics and issues.
Click on our curriculum maps below to find out more about what we're learning:
Here's the themes we'll be covering as part of our curriculum across their time ready to go to Adventurers.
Click here to find out more about our Primary curriculum.