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Career & Pathways Curriculum 2024/25

At West Kirby School, we encourage our pupils to engage in as many realistic career opportunities whilst they are with us.  Our careers and personal development programme is a crucial part of our curriculum.  Our aim is to provide our pupils with experience and knowledge to help them make well-informed decisions about their future and next steps on their career journey.

We are committed to delivering a full Careers Programme to fulfil the 2018 Government’s Careers Strategy and we work towards fulfilling all the criteria within the Gatsby Benchmarks and the Careers Development Institute Framework for Careers, Employer and Enterprise Education.   CEIAG plays a central role in our school timetable and is evident in each curriculum area. 

We have a weekly timetabled PSHE lessons throughout the full academic year. Our curriculum encompasses all the vital knowledge and skills pur pupils need for school and beyond. We aim to prepare and guide our pupils to achieve their potential by supporting their wellbeing.  By equipping pupils with the knowledge and skills they need to help them identify their future career, through positive signposting, we are strengthening pupils' desire to achieve. The impact of our careers programme can be seen through our destinations, but more importantly, we hope to motivate, engage and excite our pupils for their future.

Below is the career curriculum by year group. This will be expanded as commitments from visitors are confirmed.

Year 7





Career Programme:

How can we be aspirational and reach our full potential?

How to improve self-esteem

Identifying wants and needs

Prejudice and discrimination - Racism and Stereotypes

Protected Characteristics

Keeping Safe Online

Personal Guidance:

Opportunity to meet Ruth Evans from Career Connect for 1:1 independent career advice



Linking Careers to Curriculum:

Science - World Science Day

Science - Discovery Day Forensics

Religion - St Agnes's Church

Linking Careers to Curriculum:

Science - Adaptations and Change

Religion - Princes Road Synagogue

British Science Week


Encounters with further and higher education :

Meet The College & Training Provider Event 



Enterprise Programme:

Christmas Market


Enterprise Programme:

Summer Fair Market

Preparing for Adulthood Activities:

Black History month

Dyspraxia Awareness Week

Mental Health Day

Team Building Day

Preparing for Adulthood Activities:

LGBT+ History Month Workshops

Matthew Patrick MP for Wirral West (Pupil Voice)

Brook - LGBTQ+

Merseyside Police - Safety online & Hate Crime

Preparing for Adulthood Activities:

Deaf Awareness Week

Future Pathways Day : Leisure in the community




Year 8




Career Programme:

Self-confidence and goals

Identify different skills and behaviours - SMART Targets

Personal development and target setting


Personal Safety and First Aid

Career Programme:

Equality and Diversity

Homophobia and LGBT+

Discrimination and Stereotypes - Teenagers

Stereotypes and Prejudice Disability

Communication - career focus

Teamwork - career focus

Finance - Income tax / wages

Why do we pay tax?

How to become an entrepreneur

Personal Guidance:

Opportunity to meet Ruth Evans from Career Connect for 1:1 independent career advice

Linking Careers to Curriculum:

Science - World Science Day

Science - Discovery Day Forensics

Linking Careers to Curriculum:

Science - Adaptations and Change

Religion - Princes Road Synagogue

Art - Residential Trip

British Science Week


Encounters with further and higher education :

Meet The College & Training Provider Event 


Enterprise Programme:

Christmas Market


Enterprise Programme:

Summer Fair Market

Preparing for Adulthood Activities:

Black History month

Dyspraxia Awareness Week

Mental Health Day

Preparing for Adulthood Activities:

LGBT+ History Month Workshops

Matthew Patrick MP for Wirral West (Pupil Voice)

Brook - LGBTQ+

Merseyside Police - Safety online & Hate Crime

Preparing for Adulthood Activities:

Deaf Awareness Week

Future Pathways Day : Leisure in the community


Year 9






Career Programme:

Behaving to achieve - why we have rules

Interpersonal skills and why we need them

Discrimination and the Equality 

Coping with stress

Human Rights - Access to Education

How to develop our communication skills

Career Programme:

Employability - applying & preparing

What we learn from entrepreneurs

Workplace Skills

Career Programme:

LGBTQAI+ Community

British Values - Identity

British Community, religion and culture

Personal identity and diversity





Personal Guidance:

Opportunity to meet Ruth Evans from Career Connect for 1:1 independent career advice

Personal Guidance:

Opportunity to meet Ruth Evans from Career Connect for 1:1 independent career advice

Linking Careers to Curriculum:

Music - The Beatles Story Career Talk and Tour

Science - World Science Day

Science - Discovery Day Forensics

Humanities Residential

Linking Careers to Curriculum:

Science - Adaptations and Change

Religion - Princes Road Synagogue

British Science Week



Encounters with further and higher education :

Meet The College & Training Provider Event 

Enterprise Programme:

Christmas Market

Enterprise Programme:

Summer Fair Market

Preparing for Adulthood Activities:

Black History month

Dyspraxia Awareness Week

Mental Health Day


Preparing for Adulthood Activities:

Year 9 Option Evening

LGBT+ History Month Workshops

Matthew Patrick MP for Wirral West (Pupil Voice)

Brook - LGBTQ+

Merseyside Police - Safety online & Hate Crime


Preparing for Adulthood Activities:

Deaf Awareness Week

Future Pathways Day : Leisure in the community


Year 10




Career Programme:

Career Focus: Manufacturing & Production

Managing Time Effectively

Using UNIFROG online career platform

Career Programme:

Wellbeing in the workplace

What is a career?

Reflecting on my career journey and who I am

What is good communication?

Using UNIFROG online career platform

Career Programme:

LGBTQAI+ Community

Growth sectors in the Liverpool City Region and North Wales

Using Unifrog online career platform

Managing Conflict

Positive Role Models

Personal Guidance:

Opportunity to meet Ruth Evans from Career Connect for 1:1 independent career advice

Personal Guidance:

Opportunity to meet Ruth Evans from Career Connect for 1:1 independent career advice

Linking Careers to Curriculum:

Music - The Beatles Story, Career Talk and Tour

Science - World Science Day

Science - Discovery Day Forensics

Sport - Greenbank Sports College

Humanities - Residential

Linking Careers to Curriculum:

Science - Adaptations and Change

Religion - Princes Road Synagogue

British Science Week

Music - Liverpool Philharmonic

Art - GCSE Workshops Conway Centre

Chinese - Lunar New Year Celebrations

Linking Careers to Curriculum:


Experiences of Workplaces:

The School Bakery

Experiences of Workplaces:

The School Bakery

Experiences of Workplaces:

The School Bakery

Encounters with further and higher education:

Meet The College & Training Provider Event

Greenbank Sports College

Encounters with further and higher education:

Wirral Grammar for Boys

Greenbank Sports College

Encounters with further and higher education:


Enterprise Programme:

Christmas Market

Enterprise Programme:

Summer Fair

Preparing for Adulthood Activities:

Black History month

Dyspraxia Awareness Week

Mental Health Day


Preparing for Adulthood Activities:

LGBT+ History Month Workshops

Matthew Patrick MP for Wirral West (Pupil Voice)

Brook - LGBTQ+

Merseyside Police - Safety online & Hate Crime


Preparing for Adulthood Activities:

Deaf Awareness Week

Future Pathways Day : Leisure in the community


Year 11




Career Programme:

Career Focus: Manufacturing & Production


Exploring Employer Profiles

What is a career?

What is good communication?



Applying for college & university

Health & Safety in the workplace

Trade Unions

How to prepare for job interviews.

Career Programme:

Learn how to choose a post-16 pathway




Why is my digital footprint important?

Using UNIFROG online career platform

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 - Risks and Hazards

Work Experience Logbooks

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Preparing for Work Experience

Career Programme:

Research volunteering and paid work

Compare apprenticeships and higher education


Prepare for work experience

Growth sectors in the Liverpool City Region and North Wales

Using Unifrog online career platform


Linking Curriculum to careers:


Linking Curriculum to careers:


Linking Curriculum to careers:


Personal Guidance:

Opportunity to meet Ruth Evans from Career Connect for 1:1 independent career advice

Personal Guidance:

Opportunity to meet Ruth Evans from Career Connect for 1:1 independent career advice

Personal Career Session with Mrs Shallcross, Career Pathways Officer

Personal Guidance:

Personal Career Session with Mrs Shallcross, Career Pathways Officer

Opportunity to meet Ruth Evans from Career Connect for 1:1 independent career advice

Experiences of Workplace Environments:

The School Bakery

The Hive Career Fair

The National Apprenticeship Show 

Experiences of Workplace Environments & Employers:

The School Bakery

Experiences of Workplace Environments & Employers:

The School Bakery

Work experience week TBC

Encounters with further and higher education:

The Hive Career Fair

The National Apprenticeship Show 

Encounters with further and higher education:

LMA (Liverpool Music Academy)

City of Liverpool College

Encounters with further and higher education:


Enterprise Programme:

Christmas Market


Enterprise Programme:

Summer Fair

Preparing for Adulthood Activities:

Black History month

Dyspraxia Awareness Week

Mental Health Day

Preparing for Adulthood Activities:

LGBT+ History Month Workshops

Matthew Patrick MP for Wirral West (Pupil Voice)

Brook - LGBTQ+

Merseyside Police - Safety online & Hate Crime

Preparing for Adulthood Activities:

Deaf Awareness Week

Future Pathways Day : Leisure in the community


Post 16





Career Programme:

Career Programme:

Career Programme:

Entry 3    

Level 1      
All levels

Career Focus: Manufacturing & Production

College application support


Health & Safety in the workplace

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 - Risks and Hazards

Work Experience Logbooks

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Learn how to manage transitions

Mock Interview Preparation

Mock Interviews

College application support


CVs / covering letter / application support 

Career Related Activities:


Black History month

Dyslexia awareness week

Art Residential Weekend

Encounters with further and higher education:

Meet The College & Training Provider Event (In-house)


Encounters with Employers & Employees:

The National Apprenticeship Show (Yr 11 & Post 16)

Meet the Curator Liverpool Museum


Experiences of Workplaces:

MIND Charity Shop West Kirby 

The School Bakery (open to the public)

Greasby Primary School

Aldous Books

World of Exotics

Personal Guidance:

Opportunity to meet the Career Advisor from Career Connect for 1:1 independent career advice


Enterprise Programme:

Christmas Market

Career Related Activities:

Diversity Inclusion Day

STEM Day: Discovery

Neurodiversity celebration week


Encounters with further and higher education:

Wirral Metropolitan College open evening (Post 16)

Encounters with Employers & Employees:

Horticulture : Garden Centre Employee talk

Experiences of Workplaces:

The School Bakery (open to the public)

Toast - Health & Safety in the workplace



Personal Guidance:

Opportunity to meet the Career Advisor from Career Connect for 1:1 independent career advice

Career Related Activities:

Future Pathways Day : Leisure in the community

Science Fair


Duke of Edinburgh Expedition


Enterprise Programme:

Summer Enterprise Fayre


Experiences of Workplaces:

Work Experience Week

Greasby Primary School

Tam O'Shanters Urban Farm



Personal Guidance:

Opportunity to meet the Career Advisor from Career Connect for 1:1 independent career advice



West Kirby School and College, Meols Drive, West Kirby, Wirral, CH48 5DH

0151 632 3201